The following cover was designed for the first issue of the American Oneironautics literary magazine. The design is loosely based on a July issue of Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine. Lippincott’s is notable for having publishing early editions of The Picture of Dorian Gray, among other important 19th-century works. American Oneironautics’ own literary magazine never published its first issue, as it folded due to its failure to receive even a single submission.
op pls nerf, the first major novel published by American Oneironautics, was also the first work to have a cover specially designed. This cover features six major characters from the book. Clockwise from top-left: Lunar, Mr. Clean, Dan, Chump, Pfo, and LadMan.
A119 also had covers designed for it. First, a cover in the style of the op pls nerf cover.
Next, an alternate cover in a looser style.
Finally, American Oneironautics had a cover designed for the spurt of essays published in fall of 2020.